
Based on 20 years of experience in pro audio, Fischer Amps are the niche suppliers for solutions for sound engineers and artists. From year one, Fischer Amps have been striving to simplify the work for artists and their sound engineers, to enable them to focus on their show and joy for music during live performances. In collaboration with renowned sound engineers and artists Fischer Amps are constantly developing new products which satisfy the requirements on stage and which show their reliability on stage. Convenient handling, top workmanship and sturdiness are distinctive features of all Fischer Amps products, which is achieved also by design and manufacturing in Germany.

  • 229,00 
  • Fischer Amps In-Ear Amp 8 korvamonitorivahvistin

    Korvamonitorivahvistin jopa kahdeksalle muusikolle

  • Orca Video Backpack-1, OR-20

    Malli OR-20.

    Laadukas ja monipuolinen Orca Video Backpack -selkälaukku kameran ja tarvikkeiden kuljettamiseen. Pienin malli.

  • Orca Video Backpack-2, OR-22

    Malli OR-22.

    Laadukas ja monipuolinen Orca Video Backpack -selkälaukku kameran ja tarvikkeiden kuljettamiseen.

  • Orca Male screw 1/4″ for OR-47

    Orca OR-45 pikaliittimeen sopiva liitin 1/4″ kierteellä.

  • Orca Audio Bag / Mixer Bag, OR-32

    Malli OR-32.

    Laadukas, kestävä ja monipuolinen Orca Audio / Mixer Bag soveltuu useimmille kenttäkäyttöön tarkoitetuille miksereille ja tallentimille. Keskikokoinen malli.

  • Orca Waist Belt OR-37

    Orca Audio Bageihin sopiva kevyt ja hengittävä vyö.

  • Orca Environmental Cover, OR-36

    Orca Audio Bageihin (OR-32 & OR-34) sopiva suoja likaa ja sadetta vastaan.
